Monday, October 19, 2009

Supernatural Childbirth!

Well, To begin, On Mine and Kevin’s honeymoon we met a young Couple and she told me to contact her when I get pregnant that she had a book that I would be interested in. She went on to tell me that the title of the book was "Supernatural Childbirth". I thought maybe it was just a little motivational book of encouragement or something but it turned out to be the word of God in action! Jakie Mize ( shares of how not only did the Lord heal her of barrenness but also allowed her to have 3 of her 4 children pain free! After the first child that was a miracle Baby, She was inspired by Kenneth Copland who announced from the pulpit during a conference, "There is a woman expecting a child in the audience and if you will believe the word of the Lord than you will have your baby without pain!". Never hearing of this before she wanted to know exactly what the Word had to say about it! So she jumped in with both feet! (to save space I will let you read the details for yourself from their web page!) When I found out that I was pregnant I got the book and was tremendously encouraged and decided to apply my faith in this area! Then I found out I was having TWINS!!! "Wow, Is this going to change things?" I thought.Thinking it was impossible I then was given the report that most twins are born premature with very low birth weights and being that I was so small my babies would for sure be early. Well, we were thrown negative after negative and I was not going to receive any of it! So, If I am going to believe for one part to work out lets just go all out and believe for it all!!! Our predicted due date was Feb 26, which would be 40 weeks. 37 weeks is considered full term for twins. So, we agreed in prayer that the twins would be born after Feb 1st and both weigh at least 6lbs each, and on top of that that we would have a pain free birth!!!Well, at 27 weeks I was given the report that my cervix was opening to soon and that I would have to go on strict bed rest in order to prevent early labor. At 31 wks I was rushed to Baptist Hospital in Pensacola with painless contractions 3 minutes apart and 1cm dilated. They were able to stop labor and all of the nurses and the Doctor on call were very disturbed that I would not receive the pain meds they insisted that I needed! I continued there in my room 360 for the next 6 wks!!! I had my tightening contractions regularly but no pain. Well, they were able to stop me from having labor all the way to Feb 1st and on the 1st I had an ultrasound scheduled. I had been getting so large that I was sure I had 10lb babies but I went in and said to the tech "If the words seven or eight come from your mouth I am walking out!" Well, she did the ultrasound and both girls were 6 1/2 lbs so our prayers were answered on that one!Two days later I found myself in labor again and was dilated 6cm and then 8! At 8cm the Doctor that would be delivering the girls came in and said "She is too comfortable, shes not in labor." and he walked out! I was a little unnerved by that, but he returned about 20mins later to find me and the nurses laughing and cracking jokes! He resulted to break my water with a remark " I am going to ruin your day!". I have never felt such a relief! When he broke my water I said "That felt so good!!!" The pressure had been building for so long and Wheeewh!!!Well, I was not dilating past 8cm so thought that he would try again to make me miserable, he gave me the meds to induce labor and said " That ought to get the contractions cranking, your going to hate me now!". After another 20 or 30 mins he decided to just go on with the process and had me start pushing. You are suppose to wait until you have a contraction to push but the problem was that after he gave me the meds to induce I actually stopped feeling my contractions. The nurse had to tell me when to push!!! After pushing with no pain for one and a half hours Liberty began to crown and I did feel a slight tearing sensation but it felt more like a little scrape and she was born. Mercy popped right out 24 min later with no problems!!! TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY FOR ALL THAT HE HAS DONE!!!Me and my Babies are so healthy that all of the nurses and doctors involved were amazed! They are well over 20lbs now and almost 2 years of age! We are doing Great! My Jesus is true to his word and I Love Him with all of my heart!!!

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